True Perfection

Walk on the Beach

Image via Wikipedia

She stands

On solid ground

Nothing stirs

But her soul

Not a sound can be heard

But her heart

Even her eyes cease to roam

But her mind

Churning, turning, thinking.

Heart, soul, mind.



You know that feeling where everything is whirring around like a Ferris Wheel only six HUNDRED times faster?

Where you need to drop six things off at the cleaners, call your best friend while your litte brother has a tantrum, and you made up with your mom that the dishes would be done before she got home? And she’s coming home now????

Or those times where your to-do list gets exponentially longer to the point where you can’t even COMPREHEND how you will fit that amount of STUFF into a 24 hour day?

Time management matrix as described in Merrill...

Image via Wikipedia


Finishing up a project, buying conditioner, shoes and a dress, going to bed early, weeding the garden, coming early to work and making dinner…? HELP?

We can’t even think of growing; we’re so engrossed with what needs to get done. It’s horrible.

But what about those times where it’s the opposite?

Roll out of bed…and roll right back in.

Nothing to do. Heavy, hot air, buzzing mosquitos, even in the morning. And hot, sweaty t-shirts.

Or, even better, those perfect times. Where everything is done, bought, stored and finished, the weather is perfect, with not a cloud in the sky.

That peaceful, contented feeling washes over you…sometimes, things can get TOO perfect, and then we forget to grow. Everything comes so quickly, so easily, that we forget to try…we don’t even feel the NEED to try.

And then, life is just TOO perfect. It’s fake.

But in that poem I wrote, it might look perfect. So nice, and still. Solid and strong; unmoving.

 But inside, where it counts, I’m growing.

Keep UNraveling!

6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ellbrbee
    Jun 28, 2011 @ 12:58:07

    wow wow wow! You have a lot going on!


  2. temimagirl
    Jun 29, 2011 @ 01:36:57

    THAT WAS AMAZING…. so true though.


  3. loser
    Jun 29, 2011 @ 21:30:18

    Ah . . . lovely and very true.


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